Preparing Your Home For Any Emergency

As the last few weeks and months have shown us, anything can happen, and our lives can get tipped upside down in a matter of days. Disasters (or viruses) are inevitable. At some point in our lives, we are all likely to experience something like an earthquake, a flood, a storm or a hurricane. Not only that, we can also experience disasters specific to our home, like house fires, flooding, or storm damage. These kinds of things rarely give us any warning, and as such, it is pointless to just worry about them. However, it will help you in case of an emergency, to be prepared. Here are some steps to follow, to ensure that you have a foolproof plan for an emergency.


Emergency Contact List

Picture the scene: you have got a power outage because of a storm, and you also have a blocked drain or a plumbing problem. How do you get in touch with something to repair it, if you can’t check the internet for a number? Having a list of emergency contacts with you, is so important. It could include numbers for your child’s school, employers, family members, and emergency help like Sydney Emergency Plumbing, for example. When you know where it is and can just grab it, it will help to eliminate panic in an emergency, and help things to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Pack an Emergency Bag

In an emergency like a flood or a fire, you will need to leave your home in a hurry. As such, it will help to have some items ready to go in a grab bag, rather than having to look for them all when you’re panicking. Here are some items to consider packing:

  • Food for a couple of days. Think of things that will last for a while, like dried fruit, nuts, protein bars, and canned goods.
  • Flashlights and/or candles and matches
  • First aid kit
  • Trash bags
  • Family essentials like diapers and wipes if you have a baby, and any medication that family members need
  • Cell phone chargers
  • Money 
  • Personal sanitation products like hand gel, soap,  and wipes

Make an action plan

For an emergency, things can be pretty chaotic. So as a result, you will want to make sure that everyone knows where they are meant to be, and what they should be doing. It is a good idea to plan out what you will do and when. For example, if there was a house fire upstairs, does everyone know how to open their windows? Would you all gather in one place, and throw out a mattress and jump? When you establish a plan, it will take the decision making out of it. And when you’re stressed and adrenaline is pumping, you won’t want to have to think too much about what is going on. Get all of the family involved, and it will make such a difference.

How do you and your family prepare for an emergency? It would be great to hear what you think.

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