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The Real Stresses Behind Being The Boss And How To Alleviate Them

Photo: Unsplash

If you work as the boss of any company you will know the implications behind this. You are in charge of a team, you have plenty of responsibilities and it can weigh heavy on you. You have probably noticed a few extra greys and social life taking a nosedive but this is just something that comes with big responsibility. Or so we are told. Every job has responsibility and people that we must report to, so even those below you are feeling the strains of wanting and needing to please. But when we ignore these stresses, it can lead to depression and anxiety and this is unhelpful in all areas. So what is important is understanding the ways in which we can use our motivation to assist us in these times. What motivates us to do the job that we do? What do we enjoy about our jobs? The more that we start to tap into these feelings and thoughts, we can learn to find ways around the problems, instead of feeling stagnant. It’s important to work in a safe and happy office space.

Organisation is key 

Being organised is vital. This is what is going to keep your job running smoothly. Often people get behind on work because they do not have a strict schedule and without this, you will be unable to perform the tasks to the best of your ability. If you are in charge of locking up the office and perhaps other buildings or premises, then you will want to ensure that you have a good set of master keys. Heavy equipment keys can be kept on a chain so that you don’t lose them, so it makes the task much simpler. If you have a lot of files to take care of, ensure that you are using colour coded tabs and alphabetical orders to keep things where they should be. A lot of times, people lose important files because they are slipped into other places and get lost.

Delegating tasks is something that a lot of people fail to do. This takes a good bit of organisation too to work out who can help and how much time it may take them. Some of the main reasons that delegating tasks is so important are:

  • Gives you the time and ability to focus on higher-level tasks.
  • Gives others the ability to learn and develop new skills.
  • Develops trust between workers and improves communication.
  • Improves efficiency, productivity, and time management.

Not only this but it allows your team members to feel as if they are worthy and capable of taking on other tasks (if their workload allows it) and can assist them in learning more and being able to produce better quality work. As a boss, you should be able to work out which team members are capable of this and the time in which it may take to complete the tasks. By alleviating the stress of not being able to finish your work, you can delegate and work on the things that need the most work.

2 Responses to “The Real Stresses Behind Being The Boss And How To Alleviate Them”


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