Tag Archive | "coronavirus"

Keeping Your Warehouse Clean During COVID-19

The battle is not over yet, we have to stay vigilant as business owners. The virus is going to be with us for many years to come, experts say. That means that every business owner has to get used to the fact that cleanliness will need to be taken to the next level, and thus, become the norm. We can do this by implementing some common sense policies and instructing our employees to take care of each other. However, we need to merge the practical needs of this, along with the educational aspects. Here’s how you can keep your warehouse clean during the pandemic.

Wiping becomes a habit

Something as simple as wiping down surfaces has to become normal. This should be done by managers and employees. But how often and where? 

Managers need to know what kind of orders in the warehouse they are fulfilling. In other words, which areas of the warehouse will be used for the day? Some products may not have been ordered so the locations where they are stored, need not be disturbed. By knowing which areas of the warehouse will be used, you can set up a cone of cleanliness. Simply use antibacterial and antiviral wipes to clean the palettes, the pump trucks, the shelves which are storing the products/inventory. It should become a habit for both employees and managers. Employees should wipe them down after use, while managers go around and wipe the areas down every other hour.


Cleaning thoroughly

Once work has stopped for the day or perhaps a shift has come to the end. You need to use the right kind of cleaning supplies to thoroughly clean the areas that have been in contact with your employees. They have industrial floor cleaning equipment, vacuuming, steaming and generally brushing the area so that no dirt or debris will be left. This is crucial for your warehouse as the hard surfaces need to be cleaned with a little gusto. Your simple home cleaning supplies will not do the trick, you need strong equipment for this type of cleaning. Speak with one of their sales assistants or advisors, as they can demonstrate each product for you and explain how it adds value to your business. In times such as these, you cannot afford to have an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus among your workforce, so don’t skimp out.

Reporting and honesty

If one of the employees is not behaving as they should, i.e. wiping their nose with their hands and touching inventory or other people, they have to be reported. This is a very touchy subject for employees because they want to work in a place where there is camaraderie. And telling each other doesn’t really bolster that. But, it’s necessary. Don’t forget this is a life-threatening virus, you have to will employees, to be honest, and report on those among them that aren’t following correct hygiene rules.

A warehouse is a very valuable business, not just to the owners but to the wide economy. Take these precautions and you’ll avoid being shut down by the authorities. 

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Sort Out Your Finances During Lockdown

We may be in the middle of a pandemic right now, but there are certain elements of life that continue on whether we want it to or not. We still have to pay our mortgages, we still have to pay our bills and we still have to work to earn money. During lockdown, it’s hard to think beyond the worry of what’s happening with Coronavirus and how the world responds to that, but you have to if you want to remember to pay your bills on time!

Your finances can still do with a declutter – even now – and it’s the perfect time to get it sorted. You are stuck at home, and while you may be working, you still need to be on top of things. So, let’s take a look at how you can look after your finances in lockdown. 

Coins Inside Jar

Image source: Pexels

  • Look At Your Payments. Right now, your local gym may be shut. So, why are you still paying for it? You need to look at your outgoings right now and see whether or not there are things that you can cancel or freeze while you can’t use them. Everything from the gym to a luxury movie theatre pass can be frozen while you can’t use them, and you can save some cash this way.
  • How’s The Interest Looking? If you currently have a high-interest savings account, how is it doing? How much are you earning with it? You need to look into it and make sure that you aren’t being cut down. Check around and see whether you can get a better interest rate. Right now, you’re likely spending less and able to save more, so a higher interest account is a great idea.
  • Get Receipts Ready For Tax Time. You can get help with your taxes from websites like https://www.taxreturn.com.au/tax-file-number-guide/, but now is the perfect time to gather your receipts so that you can get money back if you’re owed it. If you’re organised now, you can be ready for when tax season kicks in.
  • Get Out Of Your Overdraft. If you have the chance to pay off your overdraft now, do it. You are going to need to have your accounts running properly when the world kicks back in, and if you can pay off your overdraft you’re going to be in a better financial position. 
  • Haggle An Energy Deal. You’re at home a lot more right now, and so the last thing that you want to do is pay out hundreds for your heat and light while you’re stuck. Speak to your energy provider and see if you can make some savings during the pandemic. Given that it’s a hard time for everyone right now, they may be able to offer you a deal so that you pay less!

Lockdown may not be the most fun time, but it’s a good time to start looking at your finances and getting them straightened out. Life is on pause: it’s time to rethink your money!

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Ways To Spend Your Time Until The Pandemic Passes

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Hardly any of us were prepared for the coronavirus pandemic. At the start of the year, we were living our lives as usual. By March, countries around the world were implementing lockdown measures that meant citizens could only leave their homes if they were considered essential workers, or if they needed to head out to get essentials, such as food or medication. This has gone a long way in slowing and controlling the spread of the virus. We’ve been protecting our own health as well as others’ health and wellbeing too! But many of us have experienced extreme boredom during this time. We have been trying to find ways to keep ourselves occupied and safe without having to leave our homes and come into contact with others. Many of our usual hobbies and pastimes have been removed from our day to day lives and many of us haven’t even had work to distract us. Now, it looks like the infection rate of coronavirus is slowly reducing and governments are slowly loosening lockdown measures, opening up different places and permitting more freedom when it comes to what you can and can’t do. But many of us are still reluctant to return to life as usual and would rather keep ourselves to ourselves until there’s more certainty surrounding a resolve to the virus or an end to the virus. If this is the case, here are a few different things you can do to occupy your time and keep yourself entertained without necessarily having to come into contact with others.

New Forms of Exercise

Hopefully, you’ve been getting your recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise throughout the pandemic. Sure, the gyms are closed, but it’s important for your health and wellbeing that you do give yourself the work out that your body needs to stay fit and healthy. Many people have been taking socially distanced walks, jogs, runs or cycles. But if you’re growing bored of this, it’s important to remember that there are many alternative forms of exercise that you can carry out at home too! You just need to think outside of the box a little. Many people have been following workout tutorials and online workouts that incorporate simple moves such as squats, press ups, sit ups and more. But if you want to try something different, you might want to consider following some simple ballet barre tutorials, yoga or pilates tutorials, martial arts tutorials or other kinds of exercise that can be carried out in relatively limited spaces. Just be safe at all times and don’t push yourself too far or try anything too challenging.

Learn a New Language

Everyone can benefit from learning to speak a language other than the one they grew up speaking and use on a daily basis. Learning a second language doesn’t only challenge your mind. It also provides you with a skill that will allow you to communicate effectively with someone you might not otherwise be able to communicate with. You never know when this might come in useful! Now, many of us think that learning a new language requires face to face classes or tutoring, or that you will need to visit a country where the language is the national language, in order to be able to immerse yourself in it. But this isn’t necessarily the case. There are a number of ways you can learn a language remotely too. Software and apps are constantly improving and offering effective ways to learn and practice reading, speaking and writing your chosen language. Rosetta Stone is perhaps the best known option. But new apps such as Duolingo and Babbel have free options that can get you started out without having to financially invest!


There are so many games out there to play. From games consoles to online games. These might not always be productive ways to use your time, but you don’t have to spend your whole life being productive. You can have some time to do things you want to do for the sake of enjoyment! Just make sure to always be aware of what you are playing. Some games, such as online betting can cost money to engage with. Other games may have add ons that you can invest in, but again will cost. Set yourself budgets and limits to ensure you don’t overspend.


Some of us have really got into reading during the past three months. Previously, many of us simply felt that we didn’t get sufficient time to read. It just didn’t fit into our schedule. But now, with a bit more free time on our hands, increasing numbers of us have been picking up books and getting back into page turning. It’s a good idea to continue this activity. Reading is good for you. It can expand your vocabulary. It can get your imagination running. Use sites like Goodreads to guide you in the right direction. There are plenty of lists that will help to give you recommendations based on other books you’ve found that you enjoyed. It also contains reviews for most published books, meaning you can decide what books are likely to be worth investing your money, time and effort into.

Arts and Crafts

There are plenty of arts and crafts activities out there that can help to relax you. They can either be challenging options that take up your concentration and can distract you for a few hours, or they can be simple ones that can keep your hands occupied while you watch TV or listen to the radio. Look at different options and determine which appeal to you. Macrame, embroidery, knitting, colouring books, paint by numbers… the list goes on and on. Arts and crafts aren’t just for kids. There are plenty of options that can appeal to adults too!

These are just a few suggestions that can keep you occupied while waiting for this pandemic to completely pass. Hopefully, they’ll come in useful and you can work some into your routine!

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Ways To Embrace Freedom When The World Returns To Normal

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For many, life is about the simple things. When the world as we know it returns to normal have you thought about what you are going to do? Arguably, the biggest sticking point for most of us is that we just can’t do the little things. It is these little things that help us feel free. And whether you haven’t been able to go around Australia or you feel that you need to recapture something from your old life that makes you feel free, what are the best ways to embrace your freedom when the world returns to normal?

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