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Do you have a pongy pooch? Apply some Essential 6 pet perfume!

How about a smelly pussy or a stinky snake, or even a putrid budgie? I started running out of household animals and words that mean stinky, but you get my point. Well actually maybe I took it too far, I’m talking about cats & dogs!

This summer while you sweat it out and cover it over with some cologne or perfume consider your hairy flatmates. Yes, that’s right, pet perfume has touched down to ensure everyone in the house can escape some unforunate oders.

Essential 6 is the latest in pet perfume bought to us by Pure Animal Wellbeing (PAW) and because these guys know pets (from veterinarian Dr Alister Webster) and their owners they know you’d accept nothing less than 100% natural ingredients to spray on your 4 legged friend.

The team behind Essential 6 has thought of everything, this stuff ensures your best mate maintains a shiny coat, but also provides your household ankle bitter with moisturised skin.

The application seems simple enough, squeeze a little between your furry friends shoulder blades and let the good times roll.

At just over $30 bucks a bottle Essential 6 is happy days for those hot summer days.

Essential 6 is available in packs of 4 from veterinary clinics nationally and online from and

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