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Flip Flops to go, anywhere. Introducing new Flipsters footwear!

The number of times I don’t have the appropriate footwear is statistically significant and a real pain for everyone around me. Normally I’m stuck wearing shoes or going bear foot, and there is nothing I enjoy better than retrieving bindi’s from hard to reach places on a Sunday arvo in the park.

This is where Flipster’s come in, they’re convenient (they’re better than disposable flip flops/thongs – or as I call them flip brokens – last pedicure I had in Singapore they lasted 5 steps out of the shop – and they wouldn’t replace them!) and I think they should have a place in the back of anyone’s car, handbag or manbag. If not for yourself, then for people like me when appropriate footwear is not worn. And frankly I don’t care if they’re made for women or men, these things keep bindi’s out and ensure I’m not going to screw up the weekends pedicures (look it was one time, but now I’m branded Mr Pedicure, so I’m rolling with it!).

On the topic of inappropriate footwear, with Spring Carnival upon us, all the women who choose to wear heels that allow them to see old man bald spots, they should consider throwing a pear of Flipster’s in the bag with the hidden booze to ensure they’re looking after their foot digits on the way home when almost all high heels get the flick.

Currently you can buy Flipster’s online at and enjoy free shipping for a limited time. At $29.95 in 3 sizes there is no reason not to protect your feet – let’s face it, they walk you practically anywhere, also at $29.95 if you step in something uncool at the park, just toss them and buy a new pair!

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