Tag Archive | "brisbane personal trainer"

Exercise, why do it?

Why do it?

It’s 8.30pm and I’m sitting in my trainer’s gym. I’m one hour into the session with two more to go and I’ve got three sets left on my deadlift.

I find myself doing what everyone who has started a health and fitness adventure does when they have a big workout ahead of them.

I’m wondering: why am I training? Read the full story

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The Magic Pill

If there was a pill that fixed everything, would you be interested? One pill that could reduce the chance of heart disease and osteoporosis, increase metabolism, strengthen and lengthen muscles and reduce the effects of ageing.

Are you thinking how much and where do I get it from?

What if it was free and you already have it available to you at home? Read the full story

Posted in Health & LifestyleComments (2)

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